Dear friend,
Do you want to learn how to use Web 2.0 Social Media to become a millionaire overnight? How would you like to increase your Twitter followers by eleventy-billion in 3.68 seconds? Do you want to use Twitter to make a gazillion dollars through affiliate marketing and multi-level marketing schemes? Do you use the term "Twitter Coach" to describe yourself?

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We're not quite ready for you yet, but we're gonna BLOW YOUR FREAKIN' MIND. Check back tomorrow if you want to be 100% Web 2.0 Social Media Awesome like this guy:

We're so serious about this, if you or your business don't yet have an account on Twitter, we'll set one up for you AT NO COST TO YOU!!!

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That's right, 365 days to use and “profit” from these incredible secrets and information, if you do not “feel” the “The Complete Social Media Douchebag” has earned you at least 50 times what I am asking you to pay for it today, then I insist you ask for (and receive) an immediate refund and a Hummer*.

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If you don't like my Web 2.0 course for any reason, any reason “whatsoever” such as you can't use The The Complete Social Media Douchebag or these techniques are just not making you the kind of money that you thought it would, - then a refund - and a Hummer* - is yours.

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* Please note - the “Hummer” referenced in any and all money-back guarantees refers to the ball-gargling kind, not the vehicular kind. The Social Media Douchebag website is not affiliated in any way with Hummer, or with the legitimate sex industry workers union, Sex Professionals Organized Over Greater Empowerment.

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Thanks to The Complete Social Media Douchebag, I no longer have to spend all day writing my manifesto or stocking up on C-4. My militia is growing at a rate I could never have imagined! We will be ready for the zombie apocalypse thanks to you!

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